Pannal and Knole Park achieve GEO certification

By Alistair June 21, 2024 09:05

Knole Park Golf Club in Kent and Pannal Golf Club in Yorkshire have been GEO Certified® for their commitment and efforts to achieve a credible standard for sustainable golf course operation.

Pannal Golf Club

Knole Park’s chair, Michele Desmond, commented: “In line with England Golf, Knole Park Golf Club recognises sustainability as a crucial priority and acknowledges the role that golf has to play in the global sustainability effort. As we celebrate our centenary year, the GEO certification underlines the club’s responsibility to safeguarding our wonderful course and its abundance of natural habitats for generations to come.”

Knole Park Golf Club

Independent verifier Bob Taylor concluded: “This is a very proactive club that will only get sustainably stronger over the next few years. The sustainable golf certification will help significantly in allowing the club to communicate more within the local and regional community.”

Knole Park Golf Club

“Engaging with our partners, the wildlife and environment which call Pannal their home, we are delighted to care for our course and their homes in a sustainable and combined fashion,” said Graeme Pryde, Pannal’s general manager.

Pannal Golf Club

The numbers and species of birds, animals, plants and fungi are rapidly growing every year, he added.

Pannal Golf Club

“This is a great accolade for the club, it has been a team effort and is a project that we have been working on for four years,” stated Stephen Caldwell, club director.

By Alistair June 21, 2024 09:05

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