How to maximise irrigation efficiency
With plenty of wet weather starting the year and May the driest on record since 1986, this year is fast shaping up to be very much like 2018 for its extreme weather.
With plenty of wet weather starting the year and May the driest on record since 1986, this year is fast shaping up to be very much like 2018 for its extreme weather.
Two months of no golf, in most cases with minimal course maintenance, followed by unprecedented footfall and almost no rain. What should greenkeepers now be asking about their golf courses?
The head greenkeeper at Selby Golf Club, one of the oldest golf clubs in Yorkshire, takes us through his average day.
“Throughout my travels, the only consistent trend I’ve observed regarding the effects of the weather on sports turf maintenance is its inconsistency!’’ Aquatrols’ technical support and European account manager, Michael Fance, says.
As France reopens its borders, golfers at Golf d’Hardelot and Le Touquet Golf Resort on the country’s northern coast can now enjoy a number of course enhancements, practice area improvements and new routings.
A nationwide survey of 2,000 British adults has revealed a paradox that 77 percent believe the UK is a ‘wet and rainy country’, but in reality our demand for water could soon outstrip supply.